December 4, 2008

Thank You

It's a week after Thanksgiving, I just returned from a week of family-time in Florida. 6 adults and 2 tots in one house for a week. Although things were a little chaotic at times, my family gets along really well. We're pretty laid back and easy going. Every year we head to Florida for a few days over Thanksgiving. It's a great pre-winter re-charge. It's nice to see my parents and brother. Great to swim and shop and take things easy for a couple of days. I'm thankful for my amazing family, for my trips with them, for the opportunity to relax, for my nephew and niece.
I'm also very thankful for my friends. I have a great group of caring, fun-loving, heart-felt, and even adventurous friends. Some of my friends have been in my life for years, we know each other's history and have stayed by each other's sides. Other friends are newer additions, but feel like life-long pals. I continuously learn how important they each are and all of the great and amazing things they have to offer. Each friendship is unique, with its own set of benefits and joys. I'm thankful I can offer friendship back to the amazing people I know.
I'm also greatful for my skills and intelligence, my education and experiences. I'm very greatful to have a job and a home, to not be in need. I'm also thankful for the opportunities and experiences that lie in front of me.

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