April 27, 2011

Engagement - Hooray!

MG and I got engaged on February 18th, in St. Thomas while on vacation with my family.
Our vacation was Sunday to Sunday, but he waited until Thursday to propose. Needless to say, I was completely clueless, and didn't see it coming! We had talked about marriage and future plans, and so on. No timeline or set date was established and there was certainly no hints that anything was going down on that sunny little island.
The setting was totally "us." A tiny little ocean-side restaurant with picnic tables and plastic chairs, canopy tents for a roof and a live band playing. After dinner, a couple of songs in, MG asked me to walk over and look at the moon. Clueless me gave numerous reasons why we shouldn't - it's dark, there's broken glass over there (I'd been over earlier with my mom), and so on. Some how, MG convinced me it would be fine, without any suspicion on my part.
There, at 18 degrees latitude, under a shiny bright moon, with lovely words I can't recall (so caught up in the moment), I was asked to be MG's wife. I accepted.

1 comment:

doahleigh said...

AHHH!! This happened in february and I'm just now hearing about it? I'm so happy for you guys!